Sony is reported to be ready to launch the world's first TV based on OLED light emitting plastic polymer technology at the beginning of December in Japan.
The value is that it is thin - just 3mmm thick. The problem is that it is small and expensive - only 11 inches and Y20,000, or just under £1000 (and even then the suggestion is that this is a loss). So it will fit a niche market where light and thin really, really matters - so as a panel on high end consumer systems of all sorts, in luxury kitchens, on portable equipment, that sort of thing. The trouble is to drive enough volume to get the price down and to get the size of the panels up so that it is truly a consumer proposition - and that means above 20in for that same £1000 price point (even for PC monitors it needs to be 17in). That will be a struggle, even for Sony, and a lot more investment required.